You have completed this week’s Home Court Advantage assignment! In 22 minutes this week, you gathered your family together to think about and discuss how God is speaking to and working through you!
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.
Do what it says. (James 1:22)
HCA Completion
I like the way HCH and Connect go together
Today we picked up the phone and called those who might be alone.
This week God is saying “just be in me” I am doing James 1: 22 by being in the Word and prayer every day. And blessing my little Jacob on the days that I have him.
This week we are going to try to lead more honorably as parents.
Dan & Melissa
God is impressing on me the importance of living a life that is worthy of honor and respect. A life that honors Christ. Here’s my James 1:22; Every day I must say, God, help me to live my life to your honor.
What a wonderful way to dig into scripture! I love the connections between Old (Exodus) and New Testaments (many of the Berean texts).
My James 1:22 includes more intercessory prayer!
All I can say after digging into this is ,”Thank you, Jesus, for saving me.
Our family is currently wrestling with “an eye for an eye” vs. not “murdering” others with our thoughts, words, and actions.
Our James 1:22 this week is to be more intentional, and more gentle, with our words.
What a blessing that we can continue to hear the sermon online and
continue with the HCA when out of town. Thank you Jesus for your
forgiveness as we stumble on a daily basis. Help us to not only hear your
word but do it.
Enough is becoming a very important word in my “closet”.
Faith ! Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus daily! Amen!!!
A special part of Home Court Advantage for Diane and I is sitting down each week together to look up, read out loud and discuss the scripture references. Then we take turns praying to thank God for his forgiveness and blessings and ask him to continue to lead us in our daily lives. We’ve been married for over 51 years and I don’t recall just the two of us ever doing this together before.
Faith is a gift. I must never forget.
I have read the story of Josiah many times and never realized that the scrolls (Book of the Law/Bible) was buried under the money. What a powerful lesson for us.
I too was amazed at that when I dug into Josiah. Josiah was a fascinating king. And I agree I think we could do a sermon series on the “Bible” being buried under money
Merry Christmas to all ! As Christians, we can live out this week what Christmas
truly means. It’s celebrating Jesus birthday. Let us all pass this on to all generations
in our families. My girls made a “Happy Birthday Jesus” cake when growing up
and now I do that for my grandkids. What better way for kids to understand when
lighting candles and singing to Jesus on Christmas Day. Blessings to all!!
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – God is saying to me,” I AM a Divine mystery”. How does one put complete faith in a mystery? How do I James 1:22 this?
For me, I must be in His Word every day and look back to all the times and all the things he has brought me through, and then; trust and obey.
Trust and obey. That is so simple but not so easy; resting in quiet obedience in a mystery.
God is saying: My salt is only useful when it is shaken out of the shaker and spread around; left in the shaker, it is of no use.
live like a seed: grow, bloom, and carelessly spread seeds everywhere .
I think I failed as a Berean this week. I couldn’t make a good connection between the Sermon and the Bible references. Can someone help me?
Let us put all our worries into prayer! God is in control if we rely on him.
I believe God wants us to use our wisdom & resources. So when it comes to the Corona Virus, keep washing your hands and limiting the places you go. It’s a great time to do spring cleaning and be in the word through HCA!
This was a great HCA!
Great HCA! Be Berean & live your life for God.
I love being able to share this with my children and grandchildren! 😊