Phase Two – Plan for Worship

Phase Two (Reentry)

Promise is concerned with your wellbeing — heart, soul, strength and mind.  We will not stop at providing a safe environment.  We’re committed to cultivating whole person health and wellness. Jesus called it discipleship.

We’re all in the same storm, but we are not all in the same boat.  For some this storm has brought financial hardship, for others financial gain.  For some you need to physically gather for worship as soon as possible, for others reentry has to be slower — for emotional or physical reasons.  My goal is to provide the healthiest environment possible, striving to exercise faith and wisdom.

As we begin gathering physically for worship, we will continue to simultaneously meet via ZOOM.  To be candid, while I have a strong theology of place, and think physical gathering is essential, ZOOM is an asset as well (a gift from God) that we will continue to utilize. With every augmentation there is an amputation and we will strive to address both as we move forward together.

During what Governor Holcomb called “Phase Two,” we will continue to hold Wee Worship (10am Wednesday) and Jr. Worship (1pm Thursday) exclusively via ZOOM.  During Phase Two we will not have our nursery open, nor will we be serving coffee. 

Phase Two is currently scheduled for Sunday May 10 and Sunday May 17. During our 9am and 10:30am worship, in light of Romans 13, upon the recommendation from our government, we ask that if you are over 65 years old, or under 2 years old, that you continue worshiping via ZOOM. While the Governor only recommended face masks, will have decided that we will require them while on Promise property during Phase Two.

During these services our worship space will contain 6 round tables (5 feet in diameter).  There are 5 plastic chairs around each table. Additionally there are 4 round wooden tables (3 feet in diameter). There are 3 plastic chairs around each of these tables.  We will arrange chairs to seat people with those they have been sheltering in place with. For this reason, and to make sure we can accommodate everyone, preregistration is necessary. Unfortunately, if you do not register we can not let you in.

Every chair still has a view of the stage and the screens. Even when chairs are pushed back 3 feet (restaurant seating plans call for 18 inches) the closest aisle is still 6 feet wide. This set up exceeded the suggested social distancing guidelines. Although our padded chairs are more comfortable, solid surfaces were chosen because both the tables and chairs will be cleaned with disinfectant solution between every gathering.

Only the main entry doors will be open ensuring everything that is touched is wiped down. Although arrivals at Promise naturally stagger, we ask that you are exceedingly aware of social distancing as you enter. We will be dismissing each table with a special blessing in an attempt to stagger the exit.  So that we can clean between meetings we ask that any visiting is done outside, in the parking lot, with maximizing social distancing still in mind.

Because of our limited numbers during Phase Two, we will also be offering a communion only service, which will match the final 20 minutes of Sunday Morning Service. Because of our limited numbers, if you are signing up for a Sunday Morning service please do not sign up for a communion only service or vice versa. This service will be limited to 12 people, and as such the age limits will not apply.

This service will be held in the barn with the exterior side doors open, weather permitting.  The barn will contain 6 rectangular tables (6 feet long) with preset individual communion seats at the ends of each table. Aisles will ensure more than the recommended 6 foot social distancing is kept at all times.

We are intentionally keeping this communion only service at half the number of Phase Two social gatherings so that those 65 and older can participate in communion with part of the Promise Family.  If communing children are able to sit unaccompanied for the entirety of the service they are welcome.  If children are young enough to sit on a parents lap (1 child per parent) they are welcome. Face mask will still be required for children.

Like the 9am and 10:30am Sunday service, we are asking everyone to register online prior to attendance.  If you are bringing a child, even a child on your lap, please register them as well. Unfortunately, if you do not register we can not let you in. A link to register will be set up and sent out to each person on our email list and will be available on our Website, beginning Monday, May 4 at noon.

Currently, we are planning for communion only services on Sunday (May 10 and 17) at both 8am and Noon, Thursday (May 7 and 14) and Friday (May 8 and 15) at 8:00am and 6:00pm. Face coverings are still required for this service and will be removed only for the eating and drinking portion of the service.

We are asking that you take turns and suggest attending only one live service during the Phase Two (hoping there are only two Sundays in this phase.

If, for any reason, you can not come to one of our services during Phase Two, and wish to receive communion, please contact me (260)609-6582 and I will make arrangements to bring communion to you.

Even if you do sign up for a service, if you are exhibiting any symptoms please stay home.

For the record, I don’t like this.  I wish we could all be in the same room at the same time.  But, during Songs To Preach By, years ago, I quoted Jagger and we “don’t always get what we want.” 

That said, we are playing the hand we’ve been dealt and rolling with the punches quite nicely.  I’m thankful for the team we have at Promise: our staff, Board and Elders who have offered guidance and leadership at this time, and I am more thankful for them now, than when this thing started.  And I’m thankful for you, the family of Promise.  You’ve once again been a light shining on a hill. Shine on!

— Henry

Phase Two – Plan for Worship

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