Marceile “Ralfie” Redmon
Ralfie has been committing her life to ministry since the age of ten when she served in the Sunday School at her church. Her theological education is from Trinity Theological Seminary, ELCA, Columbus, Ohio.
She has completed ELCA candidacy requirements for Associate in Ministry with dual specializations in both Worship & Music and Pastoral Care to Older Adults. Her 6 months of ministry field work was at Lutheran Life Villages, formerly Lutheran Homes, Fort Wayne. Ralfie has completed two units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Lutheran Hospital. She then served seven years in the pastoral Care office at Lutheran Homes, and seven years as Volunteer Chaplain at Lutheran Hospital. She has served for more than twenty years as a Director of Music and Worship in area churches. Ralfie was trained as a Stephen Ministry Leader while at a previous Fort Wayne congregation and looks forward to serving as a Stephen Minister at Promise.