
Serve and Be Served

Connection involves the willingness to serve others and to allow others to serve you. How do we strengthen our connection with others through acts of service? How do we let go of our own shame associated with accepting help from others and actually grow from the experience? Listen as we discuss how it looks (and does not look) to serve.

What’s Your Posture?

What is your posture?  Do you puff up to defend?  Shrink away to disappear?  What does this have to do with connection?  This Sunday we will look at examples from the Bible that display how a person’s posture communicates their feelings and how they connect with the world.  Don’t miss this Sunday, it could make a huge difference in how you connect with others

Honesty and Transparency

This week we’ll be talking about what it means to really be transparent and honest.  Honest with ourselves, with one another and, ultimately, honest with God.  We’ll be exploring that a little differently than your standard worship service, weaving songs and sermon together to walk through what it means to lay aside our illusions and step into the reality of Christ’s mercy for us.