We want your Home Court Advantage experience to benefit you and your family in the most productive way possible. Please read the below guidelines for getting the most out of your HCA discussions!
Two bible passages guide Home Court Advantage (HCA)
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
— James 1:22
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
— Deuteronomy 6:4-9
The assumption is that you are hearing the word both in sermons, and through Bible Study (#BeBerean). But, HCA is designed so that even if you miss a Sunday, you can listen to the sermon online and James 1:22 it.
The secret sauce behind HCA is keeping a simple repeatable pattern of 22 minutes a week where your family talks about 6 questions:
1. How’d it go? (After the first week)
2. What did you hear?
3. Is that what the Bible says?
4. How will you (James) 1:22?
5. What do you need to do to remind yourself?
6. What can we do to remind each other?
You’ll noticed the first thing on the page is a “doorpost verse.” Our goal is to weave everything in the series through that verse. If it’s possible put that verse in a place your family will see it every day. We’ll include photos of what other people have done and hints at how to memorize that verse as a family.
Since this is the first week, there will only be 5 questions. You’ll skip:
- How did it go?
This question looks back to how each person answered question 4 the week before (that’s why we can’t do it week one). We’ve realized that people either had battles or breakthroughs when it comes to the do part of James 1:22.
When it comes to battles, things that didn’t go as we expected them to, it’s time to dig deep and link our soul (deep emotions), strength (this may include prayer, family of other resources) and mind to our heart (remember that’s will — the choice to James 1:22 we made). Continue to press into these battles. Most battles won’t be won in a week.
Other times we see breakthroughs. It’s important we celebrate them with our whole self. Celebration solidifies the breakthrough. Like a team that dances in the end zone, as we celebrate breakthroughs we build a winning family culture.
2. What did you hear?
We’ve asked everyone on the preaching team to keep it to no more than 3 main points, they will be listed right on the HCA sheet. There will be a fill-in-the-blank version, and a version with the blanks filled in. Take a minute and ask if that is what you actually heard?
During this beta test we will be experimenting with incorporating this question into the service.
Did you hear anything else? Maybe it was said, maybe God is saying something to you. Maybe what you are hearing is out of your personal Bible study. (If you aren’t already in habit of reading God’s word daily, we’ve included a “Berean Box” at the bottom of each HCA sheet. This is a great way to start a new habit.) Likely, it’s a connection between several of those. Sometimes you’ll have questions as to what you heard. Whatever it is, share it with your family.
3. Is that what the Bible says?
In Acts 17:11 Paul says the Berean’s were more noble because they searched scripture to see if what he was saying matched up. That’s what we want from HCA. We ask Question 3 in response to What did you hear?
Maybe, there is somewhere a preacher missed the point (if this happens include him in a conversation). More often than not there are amazing connections from one part of the Bible to another that you are seeing.
4. How will you James 1:22, this week?
This question should take the lions share of the time, at least in the beginning. Most of us are used to hearing but, not so much putting what we hear into action. SMART (Specific, Measured, Action Oriented, Risky, and Time-bound) goals have the highest likelihood of success — so make your goal SMART.
Over these 7 weeks, we are developing a SMART goal resource to help with this question. We’ll include it in your weekly emails.
5. What do you need to do to remind yourself of this?
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (D6) has a lot of space dedicated to remembering. Tying symbols on the hand and forehead was about reminding yourself. Maybe you need to write it on your hand or put a post it in your wallet. The point of this question is driving at D6 remind yourself, so you actually do James 1:22. Our sixth question gets at this reminder from another angle.
6. What can we do to remind each other of this?
We need to remind each other too. The lie down / rise up tempo seems to work well for a lot of people. Remember if you don’t all get up, or go to bed at the same time you can text or call with these reminders. What works will vary from family to family and may change as age and stage do — that’s why we ask.