Jr. Worship Thursdays

This Week’s Lesson:
We are reading the story Jonah and the Big Fish, learning about how God has a plan for us, and that it is important for us to follow God’s plan for us and not try to make up our own. This story is on page 190 in our Spark Bibles.

What Can I Do At Home?:
Spark Bible – This is the bible we read from (https://tinyurl.com/juniorworshipbible)
Bible Story Video – ( https://tinyurl.com/jonahandbigfish )
Jonah and Whale Cup
Whale Tail printable for cup
Rainbow Prayer
Coloring Puzzle

Make this week’s lesson real:
This week we are learning about how God has a plan for us, that we may not even know right now, but it’s important that we pray to him and ask him to help keep us on His path for us. How can you and your family pray together?
Sometimes it’s hard for kids to even know WHAT to pray about. Check out our Rainbow Prayer link for more helpful ways to help your kiddos know what to pray about.

Here are some discussion starters:
• Where did God want Jonah to go? (Nineveh)
• Why did God want him to go there? (to tell the people that God knew they were not living the way he wanted them to and that he wanted them to change their ways)
• What did Jonah think he could get away with? (taking a boat to get to Nineveh)
• When the storm came what calmed the storm? (throwing Jonah overboard)
• Then what happened to Jonah? (he was swallowed by a whale and had to stay in there for 3 days)
• What did Jonah do while in the whale? (he prayed for God to help him and he told God he was sorry)
• What can we pray to God for?

Read this bible verse together: Proverbs 3:5
Talk about how God has a plan for us that is bigger than we understand. He set out our path before we were even born. It’s important for us to pray to God and ask him to guide us along the way.

Pray This:
Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving us a future that you know is good for us. We pray that you guide us along the path you set for us. Amen!

Let’s Share Our Crafts:
After you complete any of your “What Can I Do At Home” activities, be sure to have Mom or Dad share a picture with us on the Promise Ministries or Promise Children’s Ministry and Mom Life Page!

Jr. Worship Thursdays

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